
Frequently Asked Questions

How to register at the Finnish International School?

For the registration at School, select “Admission” in the menu of the school website and read the student admission rules. Then go to the “Student Registration (Saguramo)” subsection in the same menu and fill out Students Registration Form.


Where is Finnish International School located? What is the travel time from Tbilisi center to the school?

The school is located in the Municipality of Mtskheta, Village Saguramo, 7th Street, N9. (Central area of Saguramo, nearby  the police station).

It takes approximately 30-40 minutes to travel from the center of Tbilisi to the school.


What is the tuition fee? What is the tuition fee payment schedule? What is included in the tuition fee?

In case of one time payment, tuition fee for grades I-III is 6300€ paid in GEL and 6900€ paid in GEL for grades IV- VI + non-refundable registration fee of 150€.


In case of two time payment, the additional fee will be €250 paid in GEL and total paid €6550 for grades I-III and €7150 paid in GEL for IV-VI grades.


Fee includes field trips, lunch & snack (I-III grades) and some of the afternoon clubs.


Tuition fee for kindergarden - 3300€ paid in GEL
Tuition fee for Pre-school group - 3900€ paid in GEL


In case of two time payment, the additional fee will be €250 paid in GEL and total paid €3550 for kindergarten and €4150 paid in GEL for Pre-school group.


Are there both Georgian and English sectors at FIS?

At this moment Finnish International School has only English sector practicing Finnish Curriculum.


In addition, the "Georgian language and literature" has been included as separate subject in the curriculum (as a "native language" for Georgians, and as an "additional mandatory second language" for foreign students.) Facts from the history of Georgia are integrated, and the Georgian context is included in the programs of natural science subjects.



Does the transportation service include "door-to-door" service or should the pupils gather at a designated place for pick-up?


The school offers transport services for an additional fee. School mini buses drive on central streets and has stop locations where students are picked up and dropped off. The parents choose the location according to their preference.


How long does the ride to school take?


The travel time might range between 30-40 minutes, depending on the pupil’s place of residence.


What kind of transport is provided?


Modern and comfortable mini buses are provided for transportation purposes.


When does the bus leave the school in the afternoon?


Bus departs the school at 16:00.



What type of extracurricular activities does the school offer?

After-school activities include arts, reading clubs, robotics lessons as well as educational outdoor activities.


Can the graduates of FIS apply to Georgian higher universities after finishing the school?

Yes, they can.  Pupils successfully completing grade 12 at FIS can apply to any Georgian and Foreign Higher Education Institution.


Can the graduates of FIS apply to International (Europe and USA mostly) universities?

Yes, they can. Pupils successfully completing grade 12 at FIS can apply to International Higher Education Institutions.


What does the “Finnish School” mean?

Academic program of Finnish International School follows the Finnish national curriculum.  The teachers at FIS underwent the intensive professional development conducted by the Finnish education experts in Georgia as well as in Finland, which guarantees that the instructional process at FIS immerses its pupils in totally Finnish education experience.


Instructional materials employed at FIS meet Finnish standards, and at the same time, are aligned with  the Georgian National Curriculum requirements. To take account of the local context, on top of what is covered in the Finnish curriculum, the school also offers classes in Georgian language and literature, to both native as well as non-native pupils. The FIS curriculum also covers the components of Georgian history and includes some elements of Georgian context while teaching natural sciences.



What kind of assessment system is employed at FIS?

The main purpose of the assessment system put in place at the primary level of FIS (grades I-IV) is to help pupils progress and do better. For this reason, instead of numerical grading, verbal explanations and comments are provided. This helps to better describe the strengths as well as areas of improvement of the pupils and plan the school activities accordingly.


In grades IV-VI, pupils are assessed on a scale of 4-10. Together with the numerical grades, academic Report Cards are also issued to pupils providing more extensive verbal comments to make the assessment more complete and meaningful to both pupils and their parents.


Which nationality are the teachers at FIS?

Teachers at FIS are of various nationalities. We are building an international, future orientated school, so we hire and train only the best teachers, with excellent pedagogical skills and native-like proficiency in English. So, all teachers go through the rigorous process of selection and professional development before getting hired.


When does the school day start?

The school starts at 10:00 am.


Are there any discounts offered by FIS?

There is a discount of 200 Euros per student for siblings.


What is the minimum age to enter the 1st grade?

According to Georgian legislation, the pupil has to be 6 years old by the time the academic year starts in September.


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